MANY more details to come. I'll have A LOT of live entertainment, mostly hot women in sexy fitness attire...what more could you want!??!?
All fans of hot babes in sexy fitness attire are welcome, even--gasp!--single males! (That's a no-no in the swinger lifestyle.) Free for ladies, and only $10 for men.
I WILL have a douchebag filter at the door, so if you're a douche, you'll be immediately thrown to the curb. I'll also have security and reserve the right to boot anyone who's not treating my HOT friends with respect.
I'm putting a ton of work and money into this's going to ROCK!! Hope you can make it!! Please RSVP to
...This pic is me scouring my fridge getting ready for the party! LOL just kidding. You're all too good for the bird crumbs in my fridge!